Friday, October 13, 2006

Hes Fat, He's Back - Fat Northern Bastard

"Aye, arm reet famished ar am. Need t'get fookin bacon n'eggs doon me neck, eck as like. Ar gotta eet mon or ars fade away, like. Nun of yor filfy southern pooofs food fa me mon! Nah, good ole British foods the stuff reet enough."
(Translation*: "Yes, I am really famished I am. Need to get [some] fucking bacon and eggs down my neck, so I do. I've got to eat man or I will fade away. None of your filthy southern poofs food for me man! No, good old British food's the stuff for sure." * Translated by Sir Kenneth Nobchops of the Department of Cultural Perversity)

To get the fuck out of here, click LINK


Anonymous said...

Hello Dearies,
there's just so much of him. My Earnie was a big man - there was an awful racket when he took me on the sofa. He's dead now though, Gawd bless im.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the translation: 'eck as like' is a quaint local idiom, occurring in the Northern climes of England, which is virtually untranslatable into the refined terms of Her Majesty's English. What the department offers here is ,therefore, merely an approximation.