Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ray Mear's unfeasibly large thigh cavities-Fun for the whole family

I packed Ray Mear's thigh cavities for Paris and in them I put:
YOU ARE ALL CUNTS, The Collected Works of Jurgen Gavin and..
Aunty Gary's recipe for fickle cake

(Bored? Then hit HERE)

(Or to see an example of Gavin's work, touch this GENTLY)

(Or to find out just exactly what has happened to Ray's eyes, then touch THIS)


Anonymous said...

Not that I agree with such things, but if I were to Pack Ray Mear's thighs I would be sure to add some kind of pleasuring device. Afterall one can never be to careful when dealing with the Frenchies and one can never be certain where they have been.

Anonymous said...

I would pack his thighs full of paper towels so that I had something to mop up all that arse gravey.

Anonymous said...

Are his thighs creamy beige? I like beige, do you?

Anonymous said...

You are very wude and beastly!

DeBunkem said...

Eeeek! Prawn eye! Will any of us Shack dwellers be spared this affliction.
~ DB

DeBunkem said...

Fuck me Dan (not literally you fool... no, don't do that - it hurts!). I mean to say, I just edited out some of your grammatical eccentricities (eg. 'board' which is a plank of wood, became 'bored' - which I think was your intended meaning). This mania is becoming compulsive. Do you mind me meddling so? Do you?
~ DB